In Milan the hall is full: hundreds of young people are waiting for his lecture. They’re all waiting for Wang Shu, the first Chinese architect to win a Pritzker Prize, who will talk to them about a curious yet important topic: Architecture in a recycle way”.

Wang Shu

Founder of the Amateur Architecture Studio, 48-year-old Wang Shu says he loves the simple, spontaneous and immediate things, so he wants there to be an easy-understandable architectural principle in all of his projects.

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Ladies and gentlemen, this is the new Chalmers University (Sweden) building: the Kuggen (the name comes from its external gearwheel form - Kuggen in Swedish).
Designed by Wingårdh Architects Studio, the innovative parts of this building are the materials and the energy saving techniques, which transform it in an innovative sustainable (and funny) building.
The skin is made of six different shades of red and a one green which is executed in glazed terracotta. It is interesting that the building grow in size for every added floor, and the center of each circle is a bit shifted so the southern elevation gets the longest shadow.

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Hello to everyone! I'm an Italian student who really loves architecture and... well... this is my first post and I don't know what to write... I'll just say that I like architecture and I'd like to share what recently impressed me with you guys! I will probably make some mistakes while I write as I've decided to write this blog in a language which I still can't speak as well as Italian, but apart from this enjoy the blog and feel free to comment :)

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